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Joan Ferrús

Joan Ferrús (Flix, 1985) is the editor of El Jueves on line. His first contact with the comic was inside its covers when he read La Biblia contada a los pasotas by José Luis Martín. As a kid he read comics and, although he was born in Flix, he moved at an early age to Barcelona, where he studied Humanities at the UAB.

His first experiences as a scriptwriter were collaborations with fanzines, publications he promoted at Barcelona’s Saló del Còmic comic fair. Later, he used his ideas in collaborations with artists such as Danide, Ivanper, Guille, Antonio Guzmán, Roger Peláez, Raúl Ariño and Mario Morales, writing series such as Dr. Villegas, Guía para sobrevivir, The Thursday News and Mario el precario, all published in El Jueves.


Update: 30 October 2019


Has participated in

Memefest 2019

A celebration of digital folklore and humour on the Internet