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Idoia Cantolla

Publishing manager of Storytel Original Spain, specialising in the management of multimedia projects

Idoia Cantolla holds a degree in Journalism and studied for a Master’s degree in Corporate Communication and Multimedia Design. She specialises in the management of multimedia projects, in the creation of virtual communities and in the production, distribution and promotion of digital contents.

In the advertising and marketing area, she has been especially linked to the world of entertainment and training, working with clients such as El País, Hasbro Iberia, SOS Cuétar and Zinkia Entertainment. She is currently publishing manager at Storytel Original Spain.

She is also co-founder and editor of the publishing company Ilustrae, which has published and distributed books by authors such as Guy Kawasaki and Daniel Pink.


Update: 7 May 2019

Has participated in

Kosmopolis 2019

10th Amplified Literature Fest