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Helga Fanderl


I was born in Ingolstadt, Germany, in 1947. My desire was to become a poet. But after my studies of German and Roman language and literature in Munich, Paris and Frankfurt a.M. I decided to become a teacher due to the influence of the Frankfurter Schule (School of Frankfurt). I taught for years before finding out that for me film was the appropriate medium of artistic expression. It was not language, but visual art that opened the way to a very personal and intense poetic work. Since 1986 I created a body of work consisting of around thousand short films that I use for my screenings and also for exhibitions.


Helga Fanderl - More on her website:

Update: 18 October 2017

Has participated in

Games and Toys

Cinema for all the family

Meditations on the present

The films of Ute Aurand, Helga Fanderl, Jeannette Muñoz and Renate Sami

Masterclass with Helga Fanderl

The CCCB's cinema

Helga Fanderl. Films 2000-2016

The CCCB's cinema

Transients of footpaths, forests and dreams

Xcèntric, the CCCB's cinema