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Helen Torres

Sociologist, translator and teacher, her publications include the novel Autopsia de una langosta (Melusina, 2009), the anthology Relatos marranos (Pol·len, 2014) and the chronicle Ciutat Morta. Crónica del Caso 4F (Huidobro, 2016). She has specialised in translating the works of Donna Haraway, notably Modest_Witness @Second_Millennium. FemaleMan©Meets_OncoMouse (UOC, 2004), The Chthulucene Manifesto from Santa Cruz (Manifiesto Chthuluceno desde Santa Cruz) (Laboratory Planet, 2016) and Staying with the trouble: making kin in the Chthulucene (Seguir con el problema) (consonni, 2019). She has also translated the science fiction novel Woman on the Edge of Time (Mujer al borde del tiempo) by Marge Piercy (consonni, 2020).

She has developed geolocalised sound narratives and literary walks (Serendipia, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, 2012; Camino de Artropocode, Summer of Labs, 2013; A l'ombra del lledoner, Cal Gras, 2013; Exercici de fabulació especulativa, Polítiques del sòl, 2019-2020).

She coordinates workshops on speculative fables (Rencontres Bandits-Mages, Bourges, 2016; Recomposicions maquíniques, Barcelona, 2017; Transitio, México, 2017; UrsuLab, Bourges, 2019;
Feministaldia, Donosti, 2020; Imaginaris multiespècies, La Capella, 2022).

Update: 17 May 2021



Has participated in

How to avoid temporalities of progress?

Open conversation with Pol Guasch and Laura Benítez

Is it possible to build shelters in a damaged planet?

Open conversation with Cristina de Llanos Santaulària and Ignasi Castellví

Which myths are needed?

Open conversation with Mafe Moscoso and Mª Antònia Martí Escayol

How to escape from human exceptionalism?

Open conversation with Toni Navarro and Óscar Martín

Is it possible to imagine a non-apocalyptic future?

Open conversation between Julia Ramírez-Blanco and Cuchara collective

How to make kin with the other species?

Open conversation with Clara Piazuelo and Eloïsa Matheu

What is life?

Open conversation with Alicia Kopf and Bego Vendrell

Sonic Fictions

Workshop led by Helen Torres

Science Friction

Living Among Companion Species