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Gregorio Luri

(Azagra, Navarra, 1955). A teacher, pedagogue, he is a Doctor of Philosophy. He was awarded a Distinction in his Degree in Educational Sciences and a Distinction in his PhD. He has worked as a primary teacher, a secondary school teacher of philosophy, and a university lecturer. He is the author of various essays on philosophy and pedagogy, prominently Prometeos. Biografías de un mito (Trotta, 2001), winner of the Juan Gil Albert essay prize; El neoconservadurisme americà (Angle, 2006), winner of the Ideas magazine essay prize; L'escola contra el món (La Campana, 2008) and Elogio de las familias sensatamente imperfectas (Ariel, 2017). He has recently published La escuela no es un parque de atracciones (Ariel, 2020), a defence of powerful knowledge and schools.

Update: 12 January 2012


Has participated in

Conversation between Pilar Lacasa and Gregorio Luri

Expressions of the Future

The Murmur of Superman


Lecture by Salvador Cardús