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Giovanna Fossati

Film curator

Giovanna Fossati is the Chief Curator and Deputy Director of Collection at Eye Filmmuseum where she supervises a collection of 55,000 titles. She is also Professor of Film Heritage and Digital Film Culture at the University of Amsterdam where she has taught in the MA Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image Program since it was established, in 2003. Her research areas include film restoration, digitization, theory of film archival practice and, more recently, questions related to a more global and sustainable approach to audiovisual archiving. Her book From Grain to Pixel: The Archival Life of Film in Transition (2009 and 2018 – revised edition) has been translated into Spanish and Italian. Recently, Fossati was guest editor with Floris Paalman and Eef Masson for the special issue of The Moving Image journal focusing on “Activating the Archive” (2021). Her position statement For a global approach to audiovisual heritage: A plea for North/South exchange in research and practice was published by the online journal NECSUS (2021).

Update: 19 October 2023

Has participated in

Encounters on Film Archives