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Enric Berenguer


Graduate in Clinical Psychology and teacher of the Clinical Section of the Institute of the Freudian Field in Spain. He is a member of the Lacan School of Psychoanalysis (LSP), where he has been president from 2017 to 2019, and member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP). He has published articles in several media such as Freudiana, Colofón, La Cause Freudienne, Opçao Lacaniana, Quimera, La Vanguardia and El País, as well as in the blog Zadig (Zero Abjection Democratic International Group). He is the author of several books and articles including ¿Cómo se construye un caso (Ned, 2018) and ¿Con qué sueñan los niños? (Ned, 2020). Among his translations, we find books IV, V, VIII, and X of El seminario de Jacques Lacan (Paidós). He is director of the collection "La palabra extrema" (Ned ediciones).

Update: 13 July 2023

Has participated in

Desire paradoxes

Seminar on "Kant with Sade"