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Elsa Dorlin


A lecturer in Political and Social Philosophy in the Political Sciences at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, her focus, throughout her career, has been the relations between violence, gender, and race, with an emphasis on gender and sexuality in postcolonial studies. She has also devoted some of her work to the philosophy and political thought of Michel Foucault. Her books translated into Spanish are Sexo Género y sexualidades. Introducción a la teoría feminista (Buenos Aires, 2009) and Autodefensa. Una filosofía de la violencia (Txalaparta, 2019), in which she considers the question of violence from the standpoint of minorities that have recently suffered from discrimination. Recently, her essay La matrice de la race : Généalogie sexuelle et coloniale de la nation française has also been translated into Spanish (La matriz de la raza. Genealogía sexual y colonial (Txalaparta 2020). In 2009, she received the Bronze Medal of the French National Centre for Scientific Research for her work in the field of feminist philosophy and epistemology of gender. She has also been awarded the 2018 Fanon Prize and the Prix de l’Écrit Social 2019.

Update: 28 September 2020


Has participated in

From Disobedience to Solidarity

Confronting Authoritarianisms

The Mirror of Racism