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Clarence Barlow

Classical and electroacoustic composer

1945: born into the English-speaking minority of Calcutta, going there to school and college, studying piano, music theory and natural sciences. 1957: first compositions. From 1965 conductor and music theory teacher at the Calcutta School of Music. 1968-73 studied composition and electronic music at Cologne Music University. 1971-1972: studies at the Institute of Sonology, Utrecht University. 1971: first use of computers for composition. 1982+: initiated, co-founded and chaired GIMIK: Initiative Musik und Informatik Köln, of which he is now honorary member. 1982-1994: taught computer music at the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music. 1984-2005: taught computer music at Cologne Music University. 1988: Director of Music, XIVth International Computer Music Conference, held in Cologne. 1990-91: visiting professor of composition, Folkwang University Essen. 1990-94: Artistic Director, Institute of Sonology, The Hague Royal Conservatoire. 1994-2006: Professor of Composition and Sonology at the same place. 1994-2010: member of the Académie Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique, Bourges. 2005-06: visiting professor of composition, School of Music and Performing Arts ESMAE, Porto. 2018: visiting professor of composition, Catalonia College of Music ESMUC, Barcelona. 2006-19: Corwin Professor and Head of Composition, Music Department, University of California Santa Barbara. Now moving to Barcelona.

Update: 2 January 2020

Has participated in

Zeppelin 2019: HyperExperimental

Electroacoustic and Sound Art Festival