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Cassandra Khaw

Writer and videogame writer

Cassandra Khaw is a science fiction and terror writer, in genres ranging from short fiction to poetry as well as her contributions in technology and videogames magazines including Eurogamer, Ars Technica, The Verge and Engadget. In the domain of fiction, she has recently published A Song for Quiet (published in Catalan as Persons non grata, Mai Mes, 2019), in which one of the stories “Hammers on Bone” was nominated for the Locus and British Fantasy awards. She has also worked in creating the games Sunless Skies, Fallen London, Wasteland 3, and She Remembered Caterpillars, the latter being the winner of a Deutscher Computerspielpreis for the best children’s game. She is presently working for Ubisoft Montreal as a videogame writer.

Update: 13 December 2019



Has participated in

Lecture by Cassandra Khaw

The Virtual Body