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Carlota Coloma and Adrià Lahuerta

Carlota Coloma and Adrià Lahuerta founded the production company 15-L. Films in 2008. In 2013 Leticia Pasamontes joined them as executive producer. The 15-L productions have been selected for a number of international film festivals and shown in such venues as the CCCB, the Patio Herreriano in Valladolid, La Pedrera in Barcelona, and the 53rd International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. In 2011 they received the “Talent Emergent” Mention of, the audiovisual section of ADG-FAD. As film producers, they are interested in architecture as a way of contemplating the ways in which spaces can have repercussions on everything surrounding them. In 2012, they made the film Meeting at the Building, directed by Carlota Coloma and Adrià Lahuerta, in a Flores & Prats building. This was selected for several international festivals and won first prize for best documentary short at the Architecture Film Festival in Santiago de Chile. Their Hello Ms. Hock, directed by Jordi Bernadó and filmed in a building designed by Daniel Mòdol, won first prize for the best experimental short at the same festival. In 2013, they made two more films related with architecture Hic Sunt Leones, directed by Jordi Bernadó in a building by Roger Paez, and La Intervenció Invisible, directed by Carlota Coloma and Adrià Lahuerta, about Turó de la Rovira, which had recently been remodelled by JDVDP and AAUP, with support from the Barcelona County Council, the Barcelona History Museum and the CCCB. At present, 15-L. Films is working on several feature-length documentaries of international scope.

Update: 29 January 2014


Has participated in

Turó de la Rovira: “The Invisible Intervention”

Screening of the documentary and debate