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Carles Bosch

Carles Bosch, journalist and author of Balseros.

“Documentary cinema serves to explain the possibility of a better world.”

Carles Bosch (Barcelona, 1952) is a journalist and documentarist. He was one of the founders of programmes like 30 Minuts and Sense Ficció for TV3. His career in documentary cinema as a director/screenwriter has seen him tell lots of stories with his camera: Prague’s Velvet Revolution (30 minuts – “Txecoslovàquia des del cor de la revolta”), the story of Cubans desperate to emigrate to Miami (Balseros), love stories in prison (Septiembres) and how Pasqual Maragall and his family are fighting Alzheimer’s (Bicicleta, Cullera, Poma). He aims to explain reality, at the same time telling an interesting story to the viewers. He was nominated for an Oscar for Balseros and won a Goya and a Gaudí for Bicicleta, Cullera, Poma. His great passion is Jamaican reggae.

Update: 22 March 2015


Has participated in

SERIAL or Investigative Journalism, Podcast Version

Carles Bosch, Marc Pastor and Serielizados

1989. Europe, Twenty Years on from the Fall of the Wall

Miami - Havana

by Richard Schweid