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Carla Rovira

Playwright and actress

Carla Rovira has a degree in Acting from the Institut del Teatre and specializes in voice work and oratory. She has taken part in several shows as an actress and voice consultant. In 2015 she premiered her first solo creation, Most of All, You’ve Got to Hide it from the Chicks, winner of the Aplaudiment a la Creació Emergent 2016 of the Sebastià Gasch FAD Award, a show with little girls about pain and the relationship between little girls and adults. In 2016 she presented While the Machine Keeps On Running, a show with adolescents from Ansan in South Korea, about the sinking of a ferry, Sewol, that resulted in the death of 304 young people from that city. In 2017 she presented the show Aüc, el so de les esquerdes, with the company Les Impuxibles, about sexual violence, and Màtria, winner of the L’Apuntador 2017 Prize awarded by Núvol magazine, a project that reflects on historical memory from a family viewpoint. In 2018 she premiered Calla, Hamlet, calla at the Temporada Alta festival, taking Hamlet as a basis to explore freedom of expression. In 2019 she took part in the cycle of dramatized readings Degenerate Classics at the Teatre Lliure with her text Kill Agamemnon, a free version of the myth of Clytemnestra; she co-created La defensa alien, a show with Jordi Duran about the present state of culture from the viewpoint of Dante’s voyage at the Temporada Alta festival, and premiered L’amansi(pa)ment de les fúries jointly with the company Parking Shakespeare, a feminist version of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. She is resident artist at the Teatre Lliure, where she presents Posaré el meu cor en una safata, a look at death from an ecofeminist viewpoint. She also directs Jo encara no somio en gent amb mascareta, the end-of-course workshop of the ERAM school. In 2022 she assisted the dramatic production of the show EZ by artist Elena Zanzu. At FiraTàrrega she premiered Exit through the Gift Shop, a show and installation about the concepts of success and failure in gestation processes, and won the 12th Torneig de Dramatúrgia Catalana with the text El canvi. In 2023 she coordinated and directed La ciutat és nostra as part of the Pilot Stage project at the Teatre Lliure with students from five secondary schools in Barcelona. She teaches at the ESAD (Eòlia), specializing in Acting and Direction and Dramatic Art.

Update: 2 August 2023

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Carla Rovira

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