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Caesar Atuire

Philosopher and health ethicist

Philosopher and health ethicist, he is currently the Ethics Lead for the MSc in International Health and Tropical Medicine.  He is also an Associate Professor of Applied Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Classics at the University of Ghana and an affiliate Instructor at the University of Washington’s Department of Bioethics and Humanities.

In 2019, he co-edited a volume titled Bioethics in Africa, which discusses bioethical problems from an African perspective. He is currently leading a team of highly qualified colleagues from across the globe on a Wellcome Discovery Award to explore conceptualizations of solidarity and to design a solidarity index for ranking global health funders.

He is a member of the WHO’s Covid-19 Ethics and Governance Working Group, a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Forum for Bioethics in Research, a Board Member of the International Association of Bioethics, core member of the Africa CDC-linked Working Group on an African framework for research ethics during outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and director of Amicus Onlus, ONG that operates in healthcare, basic education, vocational skills training, and re-integration of returned illegal migrants to Europe in Ghana. 

Update: 21 June 2023


Has participated in

Caesar Atuire and Rafael Vilasanjuan

Decolonisation and Global Health