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Ajo is a micropoet, singer, social agitator and key celebrity in Madrid’s counter-culture. She is also the founder of the experimental rock group Mil Dolores Pequeños, who have recorded under the record label Por Caridad Producciones and founder of the Noise Club fanzine. As lead singer and lyricist of Mil Dolores Pequeños she has released four albums and several singles including De la piel pa'dentro mando yo, in collaboration with Antonio Escohotado and which became an anti-prohibitionist anthem.

For eight years up to 2008 Ajo co-directed the Escperimentaclub festival. She is currently the director of Yuxtaposiciones, a poetry and polypoetry festival held in La Casa Encendida in Madrid since 2004. This year she also set up another festival of similar characteristics in Santander, called Poetry.
