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Agus Morales


Agus Morales is a journalist and editor of Revista 5W. He works with several media outlets including The New York Times. He has specialised in covering migrations and has published No som refugiats (We Are Not refugees), a book that was recommended by the 2017 Festival Gabo of the Gabo Foundation. Moreover, he received the 2019 Ortega y Gasset Prize for his chronicle Los muertos que me habitan (The Dead That Dwell in Me), which was published by 5W. He was an EFE Agency correspondent in India and Pakistan for six years and has also worked with Doctors without Borders for three years in humanitarian crises in Africa and the Middle East. He has a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a PhD in Language and Literature with a thesis on Rabindranath Tagore.

Update: 23 November 2020



Presentation of issue 8 of 5W magazine

Pankaj Mishra

The World Today. Reflections on the Legacy of Imperialism

Has participated in


Presentation of issue 9 of 5W magazine


Presentation of issue 8 of 5W magazine

Wounded peace

Presentation of 5W magazine number 7

Afghanistan, what now?

Keys to understanding the country's future


Presentation of last issues of 5W magazine

Conversation with Pankaj Mishra

The World Today. Reflections on the Legacy of Imperialism

The old journalism

Presentation of the book edited by 5W about journalistic writing


Presentation of Number 5 of 5W magazine


Launching of number 4 of Revista 5W


Presentation of Number 3 of 5W magazine