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Xcèntric. Programme January - February 2024

Xcèntric's 2024 season opens with theMeeting on Film Archives accompanied by screenings of films by Mostafa Derkaoui, Gary Beydler, Chris Langdon, Thom Andersen, Amy Halpern, Chris Regan, Diana and David Wilson, Chick Strand , Burton C. Gershfield, Daina Krumins, Beth Block, Fred Worden, Donald Fox, Mike Jittlov, Peter Delpeut, Karel Doing, and Alexandra Navratil. The lineup continues with filmmakers Tom Chomont, Robert Beavers, Michael Snow, Vincent Grenier, Margaret Tait, Ute Aurand, Peter Todd, Luke Fowler, Maya Deren, Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson, Hollis Frampton, Tony Balko, Anna Hawkins, Scott Fitzpatrick , Britany Gunderson, Adrian Cousins, Leonardo Pirondi, Josh Weissbach, Hollis Frampton and Colectivo Cine Mujer.

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19 January 2024