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Tools For Thought

Soy Cámara online

Soy Cámara takes the leap to the Internet and one of its missions is to open us a pathway between existing images based on shared authorship and the crossing over of views. Audiovisual rhetoric and grammar can be used as new formats to offer tools for thought. In the midst of the excess of images and of information, the “split screen” gives us the possibility of opening new systems of relations between the images that already exist. These dialectics are the legacy of Aby Warburg (Atlas Mnemosyne), of John Berger (Ways of Seeing) and of the lectures of Daniel Dennett. 

Duration: 11’
Script and production: Félix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano
Editing: Fèlix Pérez-Hita


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27 May 2016