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The Water-Gazers

Soy Cámara online

Script and production: Alberto Bougleux

Sound design: Simon Smith

Duration: 14 min 59 s

The Water-gazers is a short, abstract and poetic documentary film about the strange humanity who, over the winter, visit a breakwater on the beach at Barcelona. The beach of a big coastal city is often a kind of free zone where the rigid movements of the urban chessboard ease up, the body lets go, and eyes are drawn unconsciously towards the liquid extension beyond the breakwater. In winter, finally left to itself, the beach becomes the destination of choice for a strange and little-known population of water-gazers: dreamers, keep-fit freaks, feeders of seagulls, children, anglers, stainless surfers, sand sculptors, yogis, musicians passing through, photographers, domino players, and out-of-season vendors of coconut and mojitos. “Strange!” says the poet, “Nothing will content them but the extremest limit of the land; loitering under the shady lee of yonder warehouses will not suffice. No. They must get just as nigh the water as they possibly can without falling in.” (Herman Melville).

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Authors: Alberto Bougleux

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27 January 2017