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Yan Lianke, Xisi Sofia Ye Chen and Cadhla Kennedy Ko

What isn’t visible can’t be remembered. This is why our efforts are destined to struggle against oblivion, to create and give shape to things that can be seen and touched tomorrow. Seeing is a kind of testimony, but memories can also be made: the person who manages to model today’s visibility will control the memory of now and will dominate tomorrow. How can we prevent the disappearance of memory?

Directed by: Xisi Sofia Ye Chen and Cadhla Kennedy Ko
Acting: Lin Ko
Text and voice: Yan Lianke
Sound and music design: Biel Blancafort
Original version: Chinese
Catalan translation: Maria Llopis / Belén Cuadra
Spanish translation: Belén Cuadra
English translation: Carlos Rojas

Collaborator: Automática Editorial

Related to A Vocabulary for the Future, A Vocabulary for the Future

20 September 2020