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Kosmopolis Radio. Music and Poetry: Clara Peya and Sandra Sangiao in concert

At this podcast we offer as central content the concert that pianist and composer Clara Peya and the singer of the Barcelona Gipsy Balkan Orchestra, Sandra Sangiao, gave at the CCCB on 17 February 2016 during the first Radio Kosmopolis live broadcast. In this way, we approach the link between music and poetry with a performance in which this relationship is expressed with clarity and beauty. We also recover fragments from other outstanding performances from previous editions of Kosmopolis where the oral word and music are the protagonists: spoken wordslam poetryhip hop and poetry recitals such as those byFrancesca BeardLaura DockrillMalikaD’bi YoungNuyorican Cafe and Teresa Colom giving voice to J.V. Foix. Close your eyes and listen …

Related to Kosmopolis. Continuous Programme 2016, Kosmopolis, Kosmopolis Radio

17 February 2016