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Each Layer of the Atmosphere | 3. Lightyears from Your Present

Podcast by Maria Arnal and José Luis de Vicente

On how to feel and think at a planetary level and synchronising the pace of human life with the rhythm of other lifeforms on the planet. With astrophysicist Ignasi Ribas, anthropologist Yayo Herrero, AI engineering expert Ulises Cortés and producer and composer Holly Herndon. Recorded under the dome of the Fabra Observatory in Barcelona and at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.

Each Layer of the Atmosphere is a series of four chapters in which artist Maria Arnal and curator José Luis de Vicente embark on a thrilling journey through the sounds of the Anthropocene, taking in natural spaces, heritage sites, industrial architecture, laboratories and research centres. They will be joined on the way by philosophers, scientists, musicians, naturalists and researchers from a range of different fields, from astrophysics and bioacoustics to artificial intelligence and apiculture.

Listen to it on: Spotify / iVoox

Related to Each Layer of the Atmosphere. A journey through the sounds of the planet

27 September 2022