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Culturnautes 2023

Summary of the 10th edition of the CCCB summer camp

One more summer, the CCCB has organized the camp for children aged 6 to 14, accompanied by artists who have proposed content that had been developed in the Centre's annual programme. A series of workshops and recreational activities linked to some artistic, technical or scientific discipline have been carried out by specialists. A journey through the galaxy of contemporary culture! In the video, you will see a sample of the moments in which culturnauts have asked themselves what it means to have a house or how we relate to public and private space, they have boosted their imagination based on artificial intelligence, they have created a radio magazine and staged an expanded comic.

The culturnauts were also accompanied by the team of monitors from the Atlas Sociocultural Foundation, who developed the leisure proposals for the afternoons and the Thursday outings, and in which the values ​​of coexistence and companionship, as well as respect for the environment, and the enjoyment of vacation time in a fun way were worked on.

Space design by Rosó Tarragona.
Graphic image by Marina Sáez.

The project has been part of the Barcelona City Council's Summer Vacation Campaign, which facilitates access to activities thanks to financial support for those families who need it.

Participants: Urati LaboratoriXesca SalvàVioleta OspinaMarta CartuBàrbara AlcaNadia Hafid

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25 July 2023