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#01 Money. A global problem in your pocket


Urgent! #01. After Money

Lecture by Jaromil Rojo and Marco Sachy

Free culture has become a stimulating focus of debate on the factors conditioning the creation of wealth and its exploitation by capitalism, capable of reproducing it only on its own terms. Taking their inspiration from Bernard Lietaer and Gilles Deleuze, as well as from various local ...

Urgent! #01. Economy of Art Display

Lecture by Boris Groys

The author of The Communist Postscript, Sobre lo nuevo. Ensayo de una economía cultural (2005) and Bajo sospecha. Una fenomenología de los medios (2008), Boris Groys is one of the most lucid voices that has reached us from behind the former Iron Curtain. A philosopher, ...

Urgent! #01. Planet Money

Lecture by María Eloy-García, Sayak Valencia, Antonio Baños and Isidro López.

Counter-information and imaginary reports are the identifying features of the satirical online journalism of El Mundo Today, who will moderate this lecture-show. The event will revolve around the interventions of Isidro López (co-author of Fin de ciclo), the essayist ...