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The idea of Europe

Within the current context of political disaffection and the public’s alienation from the European idea, we look at what the authors who have visited the CCCB said about the principles and values on which we can try to rebuild the meaning of the European project.

Enzo Traverso

Europe, laboratory of ideas

The twentieth century often appears in shared memory as one of the most violent periods in the history of Europe, but its intellectual and political legacy also contains a host of voices that have expanded the frontiers of thought in the quest for justice and emancipation. The historian Enzo ...

Lea Ypi: “My idea of freedom is a moral idea”

Lea Ypi was eleven years old when her country, Albania, began to transition from communism to a liberal democratic system. With the fall of the regime, the idea of having grown up in a free country also evaporated, while at the same time she realised that the freedom of capitalism was another ...

Olivette Otele and Blanca Garcés

New and old frontiers

Free circulation of people  of the European Union has enabled the emergence of a space shared by citizens, but it has also drawn excluding limits for those who remain outside. The historian Olivette Otele and the political scientist Blanca Garcés speak about the cultural and political ...

Zygmunt Bauman

New Borders and Universal Values

What sort of differences are becoming important because of the borders we are drawing today? Bauman talks about our obsession with borders, and exemplifies it with the problems in the city, since the city is a big laboratory of experiments in cohabitation, human understanding and dialogue

Jorge Semprún

Thinking Europe

Writer and thinker Jorge Semprún inaugurated the “Thinking Europe” cycle in 2006 with a conference on the shared principles and cultural-humanistic values on which the European idea was built.

Herta Müller

Language as Homeland

The Romanian writer Herta Müller talks with the translator and literary critic Cecilia Dreymüller. Herta Müller’s work as a poet and fiction writer was recognised with the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009.

Pedro Olalla

Democracy's Old Future

Europe is ageing demographically. Is it also ageing politically? Ideologically? Is democracy, as an in fieri project, compatible with a form of social ageing believed by many to be synonymous with conservatism, dependency and abdication? Are these really attributes of ageing? ...

Timothy Garton Ash

Thinking Europe. Liberty and diversity

In this conference, British journalist and historian Timothy Garton Ash reflects on Europe’s growing cultural diversity.   

Svetlana Alexievich

The Voices of Europe

Svetlana Alexievich speaks about the future we can imagine for Europe from a perspective forged in the east of the continent and permeated by the polyphonic chorus of witnesses who have populated her long career as a journalist and writer.

Eric Hobsbawm, Donald Sassoon and Josep Fontana

Thinking Europe

Two of the most influential historians of the second half of the 20th century, Eric Hobsbawm and Donald Sassoon, discuss the European idea in a debate moderated by Josep Fontana.

Axel Honneth

Wield the Word. Freedom

Axel Honneth is a philosopher and sociologist. A former assistant to Jürgen Habermas, he is presently deemed to be the most eminent figure of the so-called third generation of the Frankfurt School. His work is concerned with the problem of the struggle of the least prvileged groups for ...

Seyla Benhabib

Wield the Word. Citizenship

Seyla Benhabib is a leading philosopher specialising in European social and political thought, feminist theory and the history of modern political theory. She is one of the most authoritative voices in the philosophical debate on difference. In this lecture she reflects on the instability of ...

Ulrich Beck

In common. Europa

German sociologist Ulrich Beck, one of the most renowned theorists on the consequences of modernisation and globalisation, opened the “In Common” cycle of debates. In this cycle, thinkers reflected on aspects of the common good, such as nature, education, democratic ideals and even ...

Masha Gessen

Imagination and Democracy

In the framework of the Orwell Day, the journalist Masha Gessen defends imagination as a necessary tool for reviving the ideal of democracy and countering the assaults of totalitarianism. 

Anne Applebaum

Does Eastern Europe Still Exist?

Anne Applebaum discuss why the nations of the region we called "Eastern Europe" have become very different.

Étienne Balibar

Europe, final crisis?

Étienne Balibar is a European philosopher who has worked most on issues of nationality, migration and the state sovereignty crisis. This disciple of Louis Althusser, with whom he wrote the classic Reading Capital, and militant of the French Communist Party for two decades (1961-1981), ...

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Souleymane Bachir Diagne and Saiba Bayo

Thinking the World from Africa

The philosopher Souleyman Bachir Diagne, lecturer at Columbia University and one of the most outstanding voices in contemporary African philosophy, speaks with the political scientist Saiba Bayo about the global crisis we are presently experiencing.