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Soy Cámara online

The CCCB’s video essay channel

Soy Cámara Online is a laboratory for new audiovisual formats on the web produced by the CCCB in collaboration with various universities and audiovisual practitioners. It is an experimental and participatory space in the internet ecosystem that reflects on the most pressing issues in contemporary society, with the emphasis on the way images are produced, both in traditional fields and on the Internet.

A different remedy for the same complaint. Soy Cámera online

How do you follow a (cinematographic) remedy that insists there is no remedy? Feminist approaches represent a perpetual provocation, difficult to assimilate and defying the classification systems of the past. One of the practices most often repeated by female cineastes, from the early days ...

The Global Disco: Technology and Surveillance

Soy Cámara online

George Orwell alerted us to the dangers of totalitarian technology under the sinister slogan: "Big Brother is watching you." Orwell sets the story in 1984, a decade that made digital technology a proving ground for innovation and connected digital technology. It was what Nam June Paik called ...

There Is No Way

Soy Cámara online

Walking is a form of knowledge, a way of exploring the possibilities and limits of the environment through the body. In the process of humanization, bipedalism symbolically marked the birth of the human species and walking has been an essential activity in the development and life of people ...


Soy Cámara online

Starting with the exhibition by Martin Parr, the CCCB returns to the theme of memory and the archive from another perspective: the uncontrollably drive to gather and collect the world, to capture it in images, memories and bits. The album and the museum reflect in this way a matter of ...

Place Your Bets (Hagan juego)

Soy Cámara online

As an impulse prior to the existence of culture and, therefore, predating even the human, play runs through all aspects of the real, encouraging constant learning but perhaps also preparing us for a future defined in virtuality.


Soy Cámara online

In Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, an imaginary Marco Polo tells the Great Khan of the marvels of the cities in his empire.

What to Expect When You Are Waiting?

Soy Cámara online

Waiting catalyses many of our life experiences. We wait for the hours to pass so we can go home, we wait for the weekend or holidays to arrive… We surround ourselves with short waits (the train, the traffic lights, the microwave) and we sink into longer waits (a lover’s return, ...

The New Normality

Soy Cámara online

The COVID-19 pandemic has tabled what Alexander Kluge refers to as time for the executive: the recentralization of the nation state in debate and public action.

Ghosts & Viruses

Soy Cámara online

What was intended to be a tribute to hands has turned into a reflection on the virus and a global crisis that has resurrected old ghosts. We lay people bring a more magical mindset to the things of science than we think. In advanced societies, the fears and ideas of guilt and punishment of ...

In my room

Soy Cámara online

This new episode of “Soy Cámara. El programa del CCCB” puts an eye on how architecture, urbanism, social and cultural avatars and progress in communication technologies have revolutionized our conception of what’s intimate, private and public. Ultimately, a tour through ...

The accident museum

Soy Cámara online

The philosopher Paul Virilio saw television as the accident museum, these accidents satisfy our thirst of news, anecdotes, unforseens and kinks. Accidents that finally move our world, justifying information agencies, radiofonic debates, TV tertullians, and office gossip. Definitly, the screen ...

How to stop the ecocide

Soy Cámara online

Following the reflections of Professor Rosi Braidotti (The Post-Human) and eco-activist Paul Kingsnorth (author of Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist), this video looks at climate emergency, centring on the importance of telling new stories and indicating new conceptual paths that lead us to different relationships with nature.

The World Belongs to Those Who Work

Soy Cámara online

To close the exhibition "Feminisms!" this episode of Soy Cámara looks at some of the social struggles not yet resolved by certain sectors of feminism, much less by the vast majority of our society: providing a concrete response to recognition of care-giving and reproductive work, and taking a plural, broad-based look at the theme of control and exploitation of women’s bodies, in which classism and racism are the underlying ideologies.

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In Defense of the Public Library

Soy Cámara online

Created to guarantee access to knowledge, public libraries have traditionally been associated with book-lending and quiet rooms. The emergence of the Internet has called their role into question. But libraries have transformed and extended their activity, faithful to their original function. ...

Playing in the street

Soy Cámara online

The zoning in urban space of play, representing its segregation from the bustle and chaos of the city, destroys the very nature of play and what it has always been: learning to live together and relate with the world.

The World as a Screen: Digital Platonism

Soy Cámara online

The virtual interface of the screen has become a world of increasing autonomy. It is in the online world that we construct our identity, where we project our desire and where we socialise, but it is also the place where we pour out our violence and where, sometimes, we renounce our real selves. ...

How to boost your high?

Soy Cámara online

This programme looks at the phenomenon of marihuana, a substance that’s been consumed for thousands of years but prohibited for less than a hundred. Always banned by paternalistic rules, its persecution goes hand in hand with the stigmatization of the people who consume it, turning them ...

Shake your booty?

Soy Cámara online

Today, after its entry into the mainstream in 2013, twerking is still one of the most notable phenomena of the decade. But ever since its emergence and integration into mass culture, this dance has been the object of debate and controversy. Practised primarily by women using their buttocks, ...

Mal de archivo

Soy Cámara online

“Mal de Archivo” is a programme on the challenges, milestones and chasms arising from the ‘Great Archive’, the easy and essentially limitless access to information we enjoy today. Some talk about anarchive, others simply enjoy wading through oceans of data, images and ...

When do we stop smiling?

Soy Cámara online

Smiling is an everyday gesture, one that perhaps we don’t accord enough importance to. This essay aims to cast light not just on smiling but also on the things that prompt it; and the inevitable connection with the concept of happiness and its almost unnatural overrepresentation ...

What do you see, YOLO9000?

Soy Cámara online

YOLO9000 is a trained object recognition neuronal network with a dataset of 9,418 words and millions of images.

The Best Intentions

Soy cámara online

Since the colonial era, our relation with the far-off and exotic has evolved, but certain perspectives and prejudices continue to distort the possibility of relating on an equal footing. From tourism to humanitarian action, a periodic revision of practices is necessary to prevent their effects ...

The Flying Eye

Soy cámara online

The exponential growth of the drone sector and the ethical implications of its use have made it one of the most controversial technological innovations, both as a mass-produced toy and for its military uses. Drones are flying eyes, many already equipped with artificial intelligence, some designed ...


Soy cámara online

This episode takes a look at the evolution of privacy in the modern age. Where there used to be a neighbour peering through a peephole, now there is an Internet user who knows every step we take, like an episode of “Black Mirror”. The aim of this analysis is to raise our awareness ...

Aspects of the mass

Soy cámara online

At many moments of our lives, we all form part of masses of individuals: when we buy a mass-produced item, attend a big sports final, read a bestseller, give a Like, and so on. These masses attract those who seek to lose themselves in the anonymity of the big city or aspire to create a new ...

A Quantum World

Soy Cámara online

This episode of Soy Cámaratakes a look at quantum physics and reflects on its importance in our everyday lives.

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The Other Side of the Walk

Soy Cámara online

Video games, like the cinema before them, are becoming a documentary source for many people about history as a setting, with all kinds of errors and anachronisms, but with a powerful surround. This episode reflects on the illusion of knowledge generated by these scenographies in video games, ...

All the dark screens

Soy cámara online

In a society dominated by the power of screens and images, audiovisual darkness can be a strategy of resistance. We tend to associate screens with light, but darkness has been consubstantial with audiovisual creation since the dawn of the cinema. “Todas las pantallas oscuras” [All ...

Sad and Blue

Soy cámara online

In times of feminist protests, the image of the fragile, toxic woman so typical of the nineteenth century with its femmes fatales is still with us. Taking as our starting point Billie Eilish and her exhibition of alienated, depressed gestures, we trace the story of this strange association ...

Turning the story around. Against the car II

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization:Andrés Hispano, Félix Pérez-Hita Editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Production - Ingrid Guardiola y Víctor Navarro Camera: Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Mireia Schröder Language: Catalan, Spanish & English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 20 min.

Soy Cámara 2018

Soy cámara online

Direction, screenplay, editing: Ingrid Guardiola, Mireia Schröder Synopsis: Soy Cámara 2018 video-summary.

Run, shine, light, light

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization: M.A. Blanca, Jordi Díaz Editing: M.A. Blanca Production - M.A.Blanca Bernat Manzano Montse Pujol Solà Sound - Iban R.Gabarró Colour - Clara Rus Voice over- Abel Julien Language: Spanish Duration: 20 min. Synopsis: A poetic fable about wander...

Do You Like to Breath? Against the car I

Soy cámara online

What would cities be like without cars, or with very few? Is the electric car the solution? Why haven’t we had this debate earlier? What are the interests behind the irrational imposition of the automobile? How have we been sold—or forced to buy—the idea? In this episode we interview specialists in mobility and environmental health: Olga Margalef, Manu Fernández, Carolyn Daher and Pedro Bravo.

The Bar Scene

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Pau Ros (UAB) Language: English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 5 min. Synopsis: This episode of Soy Cámara studies the role of the bar scene in European ...

Two images: If you tolerate this…

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, direction: Andrés Hispano editing: Mireia Schröder Language: Spanish Duration: 10 min. Synopsis: Two images of dead children, separated by two and a half centuries, help us to review ...

The Laugh of the Medusa

Soy cámara online

What makes women laugh? In a context of eminently phallocentric social, economic and historical discourses, feminist film criticism and films directed by women are political tools to lay claim to another history of the world (and the cinema) from a feminist, liberating, irreverent, fun, disobedient point of view that has lots of room for pleasure.

Memories of the Face

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Andrea Fernández Language: English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 12 min. Synopsis: Flesh, identity—the face is the surface that connects us with society ...

Where are the Women?

Soy cámara online

“Where are the women?” looks at the pressing issue of women’s scant presence in positions of responsibility in science.

To Think with Judith Butler

Soy cámara online

Judith Butler got together with 400 adolescents at the CCCB to talk about everything to do with gender.

The sleep of reason

Soy cámara online

Title: The sleep of reason (Picking up the thread of the exhibition Black Light) Screenplay, realization: Andrés Hispano Editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Language: Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 13 min.


Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization: Félix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano Editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Language: French, Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 28min. Synopsis: This ...

May 68 and the popular graphics

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Documentation: Andrés Hispano y Taller de Infografía popular (Barcelona). Language: French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 10 min. Synopsis: Anniversaries of revolutions lend themselves to celebrations and revisions of...

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The Key of Success

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Carme Servalls (UPF) Language: Catalan, Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 16 min. 47 s Synopsis: What is the culture of effort? How important is it in our working ...

The writer’s image

Soy cámara online

This episode takes a look at certain aspects that surround the image of the writer.

How to Disappear

Soy cámara online

In a world governed by hypervisibility, where every gesture and every word is produced for public exhibition in the social networks, disappearance from the public-media sphere has become an act of resistance, even of dissidence.

Dear Public

Soy cámara online

Screenplay: Gemma Sanz Editing and realization: José Antonio Soria    Language: Spanish Duration: 28 min Synopsis:  "Querido Público" is the first episode in the fifth season of Soy Cámara. El programa del CCCB. As Peter Brooks says in the programme, the...

What Became of the Freedom of Speech?

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Fèlix Pérez-Hita Language: English, Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 19 min Synopsis: Coinciding with the exhibition at the CCCB of Santiago Sierra’s installation “Presos políticos en la España contemporánea” (Political prisoners in contemporary Spain), we issue this thought-provoking video about the clampdown on various forms of freedom experienced in Spain under the PP government of M.

Two pictures: Dead Ché

Soy cámara online

Screenplay and direction: Andrés Hispano Editing and realization: Toni Curcó Language: Spanish Subtitles: English Duration: 6min 40 s Synopsis: The universality of Ché, his inspirational aura, is based on two images; one taken a year after the revolution triumphed, with his two-dimensional outline, the other taken just hours after his execution, a hieratic body with a pictorial perspective.

Regina Enrejada

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Julian Pedraza  (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Language: Spanish Subtitles: - Duration: 6:26 min Synopsis: “Regina 11” is the pseudonym of Regina Betancourt de Liska, an atypical, multifaceted figure in Colombian popular culture.

I am Wall

Soy cámara online

An essay about the human tendency to occupy and divide territory, and the possibility of bringing down barriers.Technologies of enclosure serve to defend what has been conquered, to enclose the subjugated, to segregate otherness. The fence and the wall reinforce the illusions of property, belonging ...

Your money or your life

Soy cámara online

Screenplay and realization: Andrés Hispano, Félix Pérez Hita Editing: Félix Pérez Hita Language: Catalan, Spanish, English Subtitles: Catalan, Spanish Duration: 30 min. Synopsis: In this episode, SOY CÁMARA presents the uncertain panorama surrounding u...

The decline of revolutions

Soy cámara online

Screenplay and realization: Fèlix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano Editing: Fèlix Pérez-Hita Language: Spanish, French, English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 18 min. Synopsis: In the 19th and 20th centuries, the word “revolution” was closely linked t...

Eat the world

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, direction and editing: Montse Pujol Solà Language: English, Spanish Duration: 16 minutes Synopsis: Fish from Senegal, fruit from Brazil and rice from China. The simple action of taking a product from ...

Mainstream Feminism

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization, editing: Ingrid Guardiola Language: English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 16 minutes Synopsis: Is feminism a revolution? And what exactly do we mean by feminism? Is there such a thing as mainstream feminism? This episode of Soy Cámara addresses some of these delicate and topical issues with the testimonies of Angela Davis, Chimamanda Ngozi, Arundhati Roy and Judith Butler, invited lecturers at the CCCB in 2017-18.


Soy cámara online

Title: Vomitorium Screenplay, realization, editing: Roc Albalat (Taller Estampa) Language: Spanish Duration: Synopsis: The concept of vomitorium serves to highlight the relations between physical or virtual systems that are designed to repel certain groups or attitudes.

What Became of the Revolution?

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization and editing: Ingrid Guardiola Language: English, Spanish, Catalan Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 16min. Synopsis: When we think about Revolution, we go back to 1917, we think of ...

The Limits of Humour

Soy cámara online

On the occasion of the Spanish premiere at the CCCB of the documentary Laughing to Death (2016), which deals with the topics of freedom of expression, humour and political satire, made by Stelios Kouloglou, the journalist and Euro MP for the Syriza party, the CCCB organised an event (directed by Isaac Monclús) devoted to the links between these topics.

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Influencers: intimacy for sale

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, realization and editing: Carolina Zuluaga (Elisava) Language: Spanish Duration: 3min 19s Synopsis: Influencers use their children as a way of earning money. As sociologist Steve Fuller has said, the distinction ...


Soy cámara online

We do not have to be in a place or have a recording device to document it; the Internet has turned us into virtual tourists. This work represents a promotional video about a new website that uses security cameras to find out more about the USA.  Screenplay, realization and editing: Alejandro d...

Adam Curtis, without a mirror

Soy cámara online

Adam Curtis, one of the most dynamic and controversial directors of the last two decades, celebrated in museums and analysed in online forums, revises the story of the 20th century by means of innovative routes, figures and perspectives. When in late 2017 Curtis was invited by the Museo Nacional ...

What is an author?

Soy cámara online

Què és un autor? takes as its seminal reference the lecture of the same name that Michel Foucault gave in 1969 at the Collège de France. The aim of this short film, however, is not to return to Foucault’s reflections, but to place them alongside other ...

The invisible city

Soy cámara online

This episode of Soy Cámara pays a humble tribute to Italo Calvino’s invisible cities. The excerpts of cities chosen for this narrative show the validity of Calvino’s original discourse and are applicable to any cosmopolitan city today. Screenplay and direction: Jos&eacu...

The choice of terror: a war of images

Soy cámara online

The war on terrorism is to a large extent waged on our screens, the mediatic and political space that regulates our imaginary and sets the international agenda. This prompted Don DeLillo to say that terrorists are the novelists of our time: with a handful of deaths that organise global geopolitics. This ...

What is the purpose of culture?

Soy cámara online

"Culture" is a concept with multiple definitions that is difficult to grasp in its complexity. In response to the question posed in the title, the programme traces a route from the conception of culture as a set of tools for relating to the world to the political dimension of culture as a space ...

Damned (Malditos)

Soy cámara online

Malditos is a tiny excerpt from an endless possible chain that could be created by the millions and millions of images that reach us every day, the multiple, relentless connections that set us amid a constant evolution of the globalised mediatic era, highlighting the major contradictions of the world in which we live.

Film Stills

Soy cámara online

The term “film still” only acquired a meaning with the invention of the cinematograph. The captured image had to move before we felt the need to stop it, as though the flow of images trapped us in a kind of dream that would not let us think freely. Some historians trace the critique ...

Cannibal's of Time 3: Flashback! Please be kind, rewind

Soy cámara online

The present-day taste for films with a chaotic narrative may be explained by the need to adapt to a future of expanded memory and infinite shared files, where chronological order is irrelevant. A look back at the history of the flashback in film allows us to trace the way we have learned to interrupt accounts in the present with incursions into the past, initially announced and measured by watery curtains and soft focus, and where past and present now jostle playfully and violently for position. ...

The life of toys: a moral journey

Soy cámara online

After the Christmas orgy of consumption, in which children are the main victims of many advertising campaigns, we offer a critical work about toys and their treatment in the audiovisual world. “Play is the mother of all habits” said Walter Benjamin, and based on this and other ideas, ...

Dreams that money can buy

Soy cámara online

Is there anything that money can’t buy? According to Michael Sandel, the author of What Money Can’t Buy, we need a public debate about the limits of the market and its role in human relations. His collaboration in the programme Sueños que el dinero puede comprarbrings th...

Subversive Motherhoods

Soy cámara online

This episode explores different models of motherhood and family, from the joy and pleasure of the body during gestation, birth and breastfeeding, to more radical feminist theories, to mothers’ regrets, today. The episode comprises interviews with participants in the debate “The ...

The success of the stupid

Soy cámara online

Screenplay, direction and editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Production and documentation: Montse Pujol Solà Duration: 7 minutes 12 seconds Acknowledgements: Greenpeace Synopsis: The video, which forms part of the CCCB’s exhibition “After the End of the World”, starts with Noam Chomsky asking: “What are the criteria for biological success?” According to Ernst Mayr, it seems that as we move up the scale of what we call intelligence, biological success declines.

Videocracy. Fiction and politics

Soy cámara online

Direction, scripwriting: Jorge Luis Marzo and Arturo «Fito» Rodríguez Editing: Juan Carlos Rodríguez Language: Spanish Duration: 29 minutes 59 seconds Synopsis: The programme explores the role and evolution of televised party election broadcasts, based on the personal diary left by Roberto Alfa, a foremost international expert in political communication who was assassinated in Guatemala in 2008.

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Work-life f[r]ictions

Soy cámara online

A reflection on women in their work spaces. In these spaces, the limits between work and life, independence and carer roles, often presumed to be real, are shown to be fictitious, constituting the feminisation of precariousness. This piece sets out to show what cannot normally be seen with ...

Wild cities

Soy cámara online

The only way we can now imagine the cities of the future is as exemplifying a new contract between urban space and natural space, which can no longer be usually exclusive. The recent presentation of vertical forests built by the studio of Stefano Boeri in Paris serves as an excuse to imagine ...

The lighthouse keeper of Sálvora

Soy cámara online

Screenplay and production: Gloria Vilches Editing: José Antonio Soria Language: Spanish Duration: 11 minutes Synopsis: In 1980, Julio Vilches arrived at the island of Sálvora, situated at the mouth of the Ría de Arousa estuary (Galicia), to work as a lighthouse keeper, a job he held for 37 years until the recent automation of the lighthouse.

The Russian Revolution Revisited (1/2)

Soy cámara online

To mark the anniversary of the Russian Revolution of 1917, we take a look at some recent historiographic reviews of that complex event in the company of three specialists: Enzo Traverso, Rosa Ferré and María Soliña Barreiro. Some of the issues they cover are the importance in the revolution of artists and discussions about art, the invention of propaganda, the role of memory in later historic movements, the violent nature of any revolution, and today’s banalisation of the very concept of revolution by the media and advertising. ...

Behind the screen: 10 years of Influencers

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay: Félix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano Production and editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Language: Spanish Duration: 25 min 36 s Synopsis: To mark the 13th outing of The Influencers, we’re rescreening the episode “Behind the screen: 10 years of Influencers”, which analyses the ten-year history of this festival of unconventional art, guerrilla communication and radical entertainment that takes place at the CCCB. Venice for blind people

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay: Félix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano Direction and editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Language: Catalan Audio-descriptions: Félix Pérez-Hita, Marta Sureda Duration: 18 min 46 s Synopsis: First Soy Cámara with audio-descriptions f...

Ways of Seeing

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay, production and editing: Marina Pérez Trigueros Language: Spanish Subtitles: English Duration: 2 min 55 s Synopsis: Most images are made to be seen by a man. This ...

Face and Code

Soy Cámara online

Script, production, editing: Daniel Pitarch, Marcel Pie Language: Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 15 min 49 sec Synopsis: New technologies and the social media networks are producing a new iconography of the face.

The Artist Machine

Soy Cámara online

Direction, scripwriting, editing: Jon Uriarte Language: Spanish, English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 29 min. Synopsis:  This video essay aims to shed light on the latest scientific advances ...

The smoke of the 20th century

Soy Cámara online

Scriptwriting and direction: Andrés Hispano Editing: Toni Curcó, Joan Carles Rodríguez Language: Spanish, English Subtitles: Spanish Duración: 13 min 53 s Synopsis: The 21st century has broken away from a key aesthetic and metaphorical element of the last centu...

The Tourist State

Soy Cámara online

Editing: Adrià Espí Scripwriting: Andrés Hispano, Félix Pérez-Hita, Ingrid Guardiola, Adrià Espí Live cinema: Jaume Pla (Mazoni), Florenci Salesas and Román Daniel Production: Soy Camara CCCB  Context: Concert ...

Open City

Soy Cámara online

Title: Open City Direction, scripwriting, editing: Uxía Larrosa (Pompeu Fabra University) Language: Spanish Duration: 15 min 28 s Synopsis:  A photograph and a text trigger a series of reflections about the city and the relationships forged within it, its irregularities and its wounds.

Tools for Thought: Papua, New Guinea

Soy Cámara online

Direction, scripwriting, editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Language: English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: : 6 min 15 s Synopsis: By means of a simple montage of two found sequences, Soy Cámara invites spectators to draw their own conclusions about historical issues that somehow cast light on present-day life.

Memory without a Body

Soy Cámara online

Guió, realització i muntatge: Marina Trigueros, Katia Arnesto (Pompeu Fabra University) Language: Spanish, English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 11 min 42 s Synopsis: Our memories have lost their corporeality.

Notes about Gender

Soy Cámara online

Direction, editing: Félix Pérez-Hita Language: Spanish, English, French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 21 min Synopsis: From Herbert Marcuse (“One-dimensional Man”), taking in Pierre Bourdieu (“Masculine domination”) and Miguel Brieva (“Money”), to Bell Hooks (“Soul Sister: Women, Friendship, and Fulfilment”) and Daniel Dennet, this piece brings together views on feminist thinking and gender issues as means of argumentation for anyone interested in these matters and in social justice in general.

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The Tourist State

Soy Cámara online

Editing: Adrià Espí Scripwriting: Andrés Hispano, Félix Pérez-Hita, Ingrid Guardiola, Adrià Espí Live cinema: Jaume Pla (Mazoni), Florenci Salesas and Román Daniel Duration: 40 min. Day: Saturday 1st of July Hour: 21.30...

Rebel, rebel

Soy Cámara online

Script and direction: Andrés Hispano Realization and editing: Toni Curcó Language: without dialogues Duration: 4 min 55 s Synopsis: In a salute to the exhibition Bowie Is, we offer this journey through the last century, taking in the Queer revolution, an androgynous, artistic, different way of being… a non-conformist karaoke, if you will.

We Are Plague

Soy Cámara online

We live surrounded by plagues and pests - organisms we are unable to control and, for some reason, refuse to die out. ‘Plague’ is a political concept of domination, related to issues of order, belonging and control. Everything which is not subjugated, domesticated or exploited ...

Textile Blues

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction and editing: Andrea Fernández (UPF) Duration: 1min 24 sec Synopsis: The extremes of the textile industry come together in a macabre dance. No dialogues. Follow us at: | @CCCBaudiovisual | #SoyCámara...

Charisma and Power: the New Politic Class

Soy Cámara online

Synopsis:  “Charismatic authority: it is based on the personal attributes of a leader". Taking as our starting point this definition by Max Weber, we trace the origin of the charismatic leader back to the fascist movements of the 1930s and the dictatorial governments ...

Notes about Europe

Soy Cámara online

This programme looks at the tragedy of refugees, the EEC’s shameful response to the humanitarian crisis, and other problems arising from Europe’s colonialist past. An animated infographic illustrating the importance of European colonial empires and the very recent independence of many former colonies is followed by extracts from talks at the Barcelona Debate 2017 by Mircea Cărtărescu, Srećko Horvat, Pedro Olalla and Hakan Günday, drawn together and presented by the writer Vicenç Villatoro. ...

Light and street

Soy Cámara online

Script, production and editing: Daniel Pitarch, Marcel Pié and Roc Albalat / Taller Estampa Language: Spanish Duration: 17 min. Synopsis:  A flashing history of the uses of light in public space, ...

Merde d'artiste

Soy Cámara online

Script and direction: Andrés Hispano Realization and editing: Toni Curcó Voice: Otto Román Language: Spanish Duration: 12 min 41 Synopsis: It is now a century since the famous Fountain, attributed to Duchamp, who tried to introduce a urinal into an art gallery, specifically an exhibition that announced that it would accept all the artworks presented, but which found this one “inacceptable”.

Poemas googlelizados

Soy Cámara online

Direction, scripwriting: Jaime Alberto Deza (Escola Elisava) Language: Spanish Duration: 3 min 25 s Synopsis: Every word of each video was written into the search engine of Google images, and the first image to come up was the one used to make the video.

Women and Public Space: Political Actions (chapter 3)

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction and production: IngridGuardiola  Language: Spanish, Catalan, English, French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 15 min 39 seg Synopsis: On 24 August, a woman on the beach at Nice (a city recently hit by terrorism) was forced to remove her burkini in a public exhibition and humiliation by the forces of security.

Canibals of Time: Out of Time

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay, direction: Andrés Hispano Editing: Adrià Espí Language: Spanish, English Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 19 min. Synopsis: Modern man is a slave ...

Thinking about the future (dismountable)

Soy Cámara online

Direction, Script and production: Fèlix Pérez-Hita, Andrés Hispano Language: Spanish Duration: 28 min 40 s Synopsis: The evolution of new technologies and contemporary thinking is introducing the possibility of a future of shared challenges, known as open systems such as Linux, and competing egos and patents.

There is no silence

Soy Cámara online

Direction, scripwriting: José Antonio Ortiz Pelegrina, Aroa Herrero Hoyo, Josep Maria Lázaro Gallardo, Eduardo Pèlach Alonso, Aura Ruiz Palom y Anna Valentí Roca. Pompeu Fabra University. Language: Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 4 ...

Who we work for?

Soy Cámara online

By way of a complement or epilogue to the last piece about work (¿Por qué trabajamos? [Why do we work?]), this title deals with other aspects of the issue with quotes from Adam Curtis, David Harvey or Saskia Sassen, etc.

Soy Cámara: Principles of discussion 2

Soy Cámara online

Realization: Toni Curcó Scripwriting: Andrés Hispano, Félix Pérez-Hita, Ingrid Guardiola Language: Spanish Subtitles: English Duration: 1 min 47 s Synopsis: The Soy Camara’s “Principles of discussion” were published on November...

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The ideal city (Ideas around Public Health)

Soy Cámara online

What is a healthy city like, or what should it be like? What are its defining characteristics? How is it gauged? How healthy is Barcelona? What are the principal challenges and goals to be met in the field? This programme offers some ideas and reflections on the concept of health in the urban context in the form of conversations with specialists.

Lost Objects: cinefilia

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction: Andrés Hispano, Fèlix Pérez-Hita Editing: Félix Pérez Hita Language: English, Spanish Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 18 min 32 seg What is cinema? To answer this question today, in the digital era, we have to review the concept of cinephilia that has determined the consumption, passion and culture of cinematography to date.

David Simon’s American Pie

Soy Cámara online

Based on an interview with the television writer and producer David Simon, we join him to take an in-depth look at the America of the new millennium and its conflicts.

Women and Public Space: Violence (ch.2)

Soy Cámara online

On 24 August, a woman on the beach at Nice (a city recently hit by terrorism) was forced to remove her burkini in a public exhibition and humiliation by the forces of security.

The Water-Gazers

Soy Cámara online

Script and production: Alberto Bougleux Sound design: Simon Smith Duration: 14 min 59 s The Water-gazers is a short, abstract and poetic documentary film about the strange humanity who, over the winter, visit a breakwater on the beach at Barcelona.

The Secret

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay, production and editing: Andrés Hispano, Félix Pérez-Hita Language: Spanish, English, Italian Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 28 min. 11 sec.   Synopsis: In the social, ...

Evictions: Yesterday and Today

Soy Cámara online

Language: Catalan Duration: 2 min 40 s Screenplay, production and editing: Fèlix Pérez-Hita Synopsis: Split-screen comparison of the different ways in which the authorities have addressed the problems of lack of housing in Barcelona.

Soy Cámara online

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Time Cannibals: Before/After (episode 1)

Soy Cámara online

The ingenuous adverts of the before-and-after type, featuring people who’ve lost weight or miraculously gained a full head of hair, gave birth to a visual argument that says a lot about how photography transformed our idea of time and what we could do with it. The same trick—comparing ...

Women and Public Space: Control (chapter 1)

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction and production: IngridGuardiola  Language: Spanish, Catalan, English, French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 16 min Synopsis: On 24 August, a woman on the beach at Nice (a city recently hit by terrorism) was forced to remove her burkini in a public exhibition and humiliation by the forces of security.

¿What is Cinema?

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay, production and editing: Carlos Balbuena, Camilo Feria, Alejandro Mucientes (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)  Language: Spanish Duration: | @CCCBaudiovisual | #SoyCámara...

It’s a Phone

Soy Cámara online

Screenplay, production and editing: Lorena Jiménez, David Lartuna, Manel Masachs, Bea Mota. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Essay about the use of the telephone throughout the history of the cinema. This is a montage of excerpts from different films that ...

Where is art?

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction and production: Helena Moreno. University of Barcelona. Language: Spanish Duration: 4 min.30 seg. Synopsis:  The project fuses two key concepts: art and immigration, and the synergies that ...

Universities Special

Soy Cámara online

Script and production: Adrià Espí  Language: Spanish, Catalan Duration: 17 min. Synopsis: Soy Cámara Online includes capsules made by students of various universities (Pompeu Fabra, Autònoma, Barcelona University, Ramon Llull, Elisava), in the Open Classes facilitated by the contents team at Soy Cámara (Andrés Hispano, Fèlix Pérez-Hita and Ingrid Guardiola). ...

Pioneers of the cinema: on the fringes of the industry

Soy Cámara online

The programme looks at the work of pioneering women filmmakers and their technical and narrative contributions, and maps some of the foremost women in experimental and documental film. This chapter, divided into five thematic blocks (Pioneers, The female unconscious, Another room of one’s own...

Sex and arquitecture

Soy Cámara online

Language: Spanish, English, French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 22 min 13 sec Script and production: Andrés Hispano, Fèlix Pérez-Hita Synopsis: The spaces designed to give free rein to desire are generally regarded as an exception for the purpose of alleviating the repression that tends to be imposed on sexual instinct.

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Dear daily (life)

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction and production: Marga Almirall Language: Catalan, Spanish Duration: 10 min 28 seg Synopsis:  Synopsis: From childhood and adolescent diaries to video blogs on YouTube and visual diaries on Instagram: a short journey through the self-representation of women of the millennial generation.

Through the looking glass

Soy Cámara online

Script, direction and production: Caterina Cuadros, Florencia Aliberti, Gala Hernández. Pompeu Fabra University Language: English, French Duration: 11 min. 43 s. Synopsis: Through the Looking Glass ...

Feminist Film Manifestos I

Soy Cámara online

Language: Spanish, English, French Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 17 min. 49 sec. Screenplay and direction: Marta Nieto Production and editing: Toni Curcó Synopsis: Feminist Film ...

Body and home

Soy Cámara online

The exhibition "1000 m2 of desire" gives us an opportunitty to think about space, desire and fetish. This program is made from Youtube images  along with sound clips from Agustín García Calvo thoughts on the House as a symbol of the body. Internet has made ...

Pasolini today, still in the margins (2014)

Soy Cámara online

The programme features interviews with the curators of the exhibition Pasolini Roma, Alain Bergala, Jordi Balló, and the recently deceased Gianni Borgna, to whom the programme is dedicated, and the poet Isabel Escudero.


Soy Cámara online

Script and production: Enrique Leal, Alejandro Pena, Ginebra Vall. Pompeu Fabra University. Synopsis: A proposal of filming for Albert Serra turns into research into the figures of Andy Warhol and the Saint, the images the two have produced in the course ...

The Mirror Screen

Soy Cámara online

Script, production, editing: Sara Andrejević, Raúl Egüés, Cecilia Español, Carlos Peñalver, Maite Redondo, Sara Torrent. Synopsis: The Mirror Screen consists of an audiovisual approach to the work of film director ...

Who is looking at us?

Soy Cámara online

Every August afternoon, Filipino kids meet in an alleyway behind the CCCB. Why here rather than anywhere else? It’s very simple: the Centre’s generous plate glass allows them to practise their choreographies and watch their reflections. Jade, a 13-year-old girl, shows the rest of ...

Ramon Llull: return to reason

Soy Cámara online

The figure of Ramon Llull, now the focus of celebration on this anniversary, is visited in a film about his impact on contemporary artists and thinkers, coinciding with the CCCB’s exhibition about the man and his work. Llull continues to be largely unknown to us, and, despite insistent ...

Butler-Braidotti: Two proposal for the same century

Soy Cámara online

 Taking as their departure point gender studies and feminism, thinkers Judith Butler (Cleveland, 1956) and Rosi Braidotti (Latisana, 1954) reflect on the human and the criteria that determine access to it, since it is evident that we are not all human in the same way and to the same degree. However, their thinking has transcended both disciplines and adapts to a present-day context: that of an economic and scientific system that no longer distinguishes between animal and human, artificial and natural, and therefore calls for a revision of our definitions and the value we accord them. ...

Svankmajer Decalogue

Soy Cámara online

Jan Švankmajer's Decalogue, a text on his artistic principles written in 1999, perfectly sums up the vigor and artistic commitment of the animators of the exhibition "Metamorphosis". The program enunciates this decalogue and illustrates it with a selection of his works, recognized as ...

Return, Future!

Soy Cámara online

A man talks about the future. He is the only one that can perceive it and that knows what will happen. Miles Davis puts the melody on a series of characters that are unable to accept their past. Duration: 3 min 29 sec Script, production, editing: Andrea ...

Face and Code

Soy Cámara online

New technologies and the social media networks are producing a new iconography of the face. In the field of research, software is being created that recognises the identity of the emotions. In the field of social practices, the face is the centre of actions such as a selfie or of apps allowing ...

Gesture Humour

Soy Cámara online

Found footage docu-essay produced based on different fragments of classic and contemporary films that reflect on the evolution of humorous gesture in film. Firstly, different facial expressions are shown, including the deadpan or wooden expression. Secondly, outlandish body movements have been ...

The Art of Vision. The filmmakers investigate the images

Soy Cámara online

Chronicle of the last edition of Aula Xcèntric, dedicated to the relationship between the scientific and the artistic search with the collaboration of specialists and artists such as Gonzalo de Lucas, Celeste Araújo, Andrés Hispano, Dora García, María Ruido, Carles Guerra and Klaus Wyborny.

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01001111 01001110

Soy Cámara online

What is it made of? It is interesting to think about the audiovisual phenomenon based on its own material and failures. We approach the error in audiovisual flow as a tool for decomposing, through their organic pixels, images and icons that form part of our history and help us to imagine the ...

The irrelevant life

Domestic Affairs

Script, production and editing: Germán Andrés López y Vanesa G. Toca. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Language: various Subtitles: Spanish Duration: 10’52” When directors turn over the camera ...

Domestic affairs

Soy Cámara online

This programme is based on Your Lost Memories, a transmedia project for the return of family memories in Super8 format, to enter the never-ending world of domestic films or home movies.

David Simon’s American Pie

Soy Cámara online

Based on an interview with David Simon, we join him to take an in-depth look at the America of the new millennium and its conflicts.

Cinema’s detectives

Soy Cámara online

Based on an interview with David Simon, we join him to take an in-depth look at the America of the new millennium and its conflicts.

David Domingo: Cheap Tricks

Soy Cámara online

Underground filmmaker David Domingo (aka Stanley Sunday / Valencia, 1973) throws open the doors of his home in Barcelona to talk to us about his films and show us his personal notebooks and other curiosities. In his films, whether filmed on super 8 mm, on video or seconds-long clips for Instagram, Stanley Sunday gives free rein to his overwhelming imagination and expresses a fantastic or iconoclastic personal universe plagued with pop iconography. David Doming ...

Andrés Hispano

Àngela Martínez

Joana Abrines