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NOW 2009

Meetings in the Present Continuous

NOW. The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

Lecture by Thom Hartmann

Lecture by Thom Hartmann, writer and political comentator, introduced by Marc Gavaldà, from the campaign RepsolMata.  The world seems to be melting down around us, with climate change, species extinctions, population explosions, and a massive poisoning ...

NOW. Our Place in the Cosmos

Talk with Jill Tarter and Jordi Portell

A conversation between Jordi Isern, director of the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC-CSIC), Jill Tarter, director of the Center for SETI Research at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute and Jordi Portell, coordinator of The ...

Serge Latouche

Degrowth as a Way Out of the Crisis

Serge latouche, economist and growth objector, on the solutions to the current crisis that degrowth can bring. Over the years of speculative and financial euphoria, it was quite common to find newspaper headlines proclaiming that the economy was doing well, but people weren't. This was a result ...

Interview with Jeremy Leggett

NOW 2009

Jeremy Leggett, social entrepreneur and activist, talks about the Copenhagen Summit and the chances of surviving the current environmental crisis.

Interview with Hermann Scheer

NOW. November 2009

Hermann Scheer, President of Eurosolar and member of the German parliament, talks about the Copenhagen Summit and the chances of surviving the current environmental crisis.

Interview with Open Sailing

NOW. November 2009

Open Sailing is a project by an interdisciplinary group involved in the construction of intelligent floating units that allow autonomous sustainable life at sea.

NOW. From Crisis to Transformation

Dialogue with Susan George and Joan Martínez Alier

The economic crisis is only a part of a broader crisis with other significant dimensions, such as the ecological crisis or the "crisis of representation" -the crisis in our way of understanding the world. Along with other old, false certainties, unlimited economic growth now ...

Richard Stallman

Free Software. The Time for Human Rights

While computers have become an essential part of our lives, new questions are being raised over who controls what our computers do and what are we allowed to do with them. These are political issues of the first order that have been resolved for the moment to satisfy the interests of large ...