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Memefest 2018

The online digital folklore and humour festival

Memes form part of our everyday life and have transformed the way in which we relate with each other and express our opinions in public. On 3 March, we are holding a festival to defend this popular, free and uncontrollable form of communication. We will be offering you an evening of conversations, music, screenings and a battle of the memes with a set of guests who are very familiar with the most entertaining and peculiar corners of the World Wide Web. 

Carlo Padial

Intermittent monologue

Carlo Padial, the Memefest master of ceremonies, parodies life on the Internet and human behaviour on the social media networks. His interventions are accompanied by the screenings of audiovisual pieces and photographic compositions that he has produced himself on the meme universe.

Dolors Boatella and Felipe G. Gil

Meme it Yourself

Where are memes created and where are they going? Internet memes are digital productions which avoid traditional forms of authorship to instead bring the collective, political and interpersonal to the fore. We're going to survey the promiscuous and unclassifiable life of memes and talk about ...

Battle of the memes 2018

Directed and presented by Alba Rihe, the Battle of the memes puts to the test all the Memefest participants, who have to overcome a series of challenges related with memes. With the participation of Dolors Boatella, Felipe G.Gil, Júlia Cot, Tomàs Fuente, Noel ...

Los Ganglios


The Memefest is a tribute to digital culture and the Internet, to creation from anonymity and the absence of any defined authorship, to the remixing of contents, to the speed and ephemeral success of ideas and of images, to user communities with their own codes and humoristic languages, to ugliness that attracts us and to the popular tales that are expanding thanks to networked communication.

Noel Ceballos and El Hematocrítico

Memefail: When viral humour fails

El Hematocrítico and Noel Ceballos investigate live what happens with political memes that are not funny, videos that become popular hits for the wrong reasons, actions on social media networks that end up landing their instigators in court, Twitter bombs that explode in the hands of their makers... In summary, a panoramic journey through internet fails, meme-wrecks, and the EPIC FAIL in all its splendour.

Memes and strange politics

Jaron Rowan

Emerging from the tension between the political and politics is a form of aesthetic expression that renews the debate in the public sphere.


The online digital folklore and humour festival

Memes form part of our everyday life and have transformed the way in which we relate with each other and express our opinions in public. On 3 March, we are holding a festival to defend this popular, free and uncontrollable form of communication.