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J. G. Ballard. Autopsy of the new millennium

This exhibition offers an itinerary through Ballard's creative universe: his times and obsessions, his dissection of the secret keys of the contemporary, the traces of his own life in his fictional body of work, his artistic and literary referents, and his precise, disenchanted intuitions of a future life governed by the concepts of aseptic dystopia and disaster.

Report "J. G. Ballard. Autopsy of the new millennium"

This exhibition offers an itinerary through Ballard's creative universe: his times and obsessions, his dissection of the secret keys of the contemporary, the traces of his own life in his fictional body of work, his artistic and literary referents, and his precise, disenchanted intuitions of a future life governed by the concepts of aseptic dystopia and disaster.

Propaganda city

A Ballardian short film of Nacho Vigalondo

The director Nacho Vigalondo made this short especially for the CCCB: a one-minute film, shot in Korea with the camera of a cell phone, inspired by the world of British writer J. G. Ballard. On the occasion of the exhibition J. G. Ballard. Autopsy of the New Millennium, the CCCB staged a competition ...

"Credo" by J. G. Ballard

An audiovisual piece from the exhibition “J. G. Ballard. Autopsy of the New Millennium”

“I believe in the power of the imagination to remake the world,” this is the statement of intent that kicks off author J.G. Ballard’s “What I believe”, a prose poem from 1984 that reveals his whole artistic credo. You can hear Ballard reading fragments in this ...