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To Imagine the World

Conversations for Thinking Education

Once again the CCCB is placing education at the centre of public debate with a lecture cycle which, this year, will be concerned with a key element in our shaping as human beings and citizens: imagination.

Isabelle Anguelovski

Reflections on an Urban Planet

Isabelle Anguelovski, an expert in political ecology, draws attention to the need to think about the city of the future from the standpoint of environmental justice. Present forecasts indicate that, in the near future, most of people of the planet will be living in cities. Hence, cities will, ...

Henry Giroux

Political Protest on Campus: Reclaiming the Past, Imagining the Future

Jacqueline Rose

Political Protest on Campus: Reclaiming the Past, Imagining the Future

The psychoanalyst and cultural critic Jacqueline Rose will talk about the denounce of apartheid during recent student protests in South Africa, as well as other past collective traumas.

Lecture by Cesc Gelabert

Keys and locks of the imagination

The dancer and choreographer Cesc Gelabert, pioneer of contemporary dance in Catalunya, analyzes the conditions and capacities involved in the creation process. For Cesc Gelabert, it is essential that emotions and mind should dwell in the body to open up channels to a fertile imagination.