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FEMINISMS! brings together the exhibition "The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s. Works from the VERBUND COLLECTION, Vienna" and "Choreographies of Gender" with an extensive programme of activities to highlight the dialogue, continuities and divergences between the radical feminism of the seventies and today’s various forms of feminism.

The World Belongs to Those Who Work

Soy Cámara online

To close the exhibition "Feminisms!" this episode of Soy Cámara looks at some of the social struggles not yet resolved by certain sectors of feminism, much less by the vast majority of our society: providing a concrete response to recognition of care-giving and reproductive work, and taking a plural, broad-based look at the theme of control and exploitation of women’s bodies, in which classism and racism are the underlying ideologies.

"FEMINISMS!" Exhibition Report

"FEMINISMS!" brings together the exhibition "The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s. Works from the VERBUND COLLECTION, Vienna" and "Choreographies of Gender" with an extensive programme of activities to highlight the dialogue, continuities and divergences between the radical feminism of the ...

Fina Birulés and Marta Segarra

Equality and Freedom

Fina Birulés, lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona and a key figure of feminist thought in Catalonia, speaks with Marta Segarra, curator of the exhibition “Choreographies of Gender”, in a dialogue moderated by the sociologist and trans activist Miquel Missé...

Chantal Maillard


Are excessive violence, greed, and craving congenital to the human species or, rather, inherited from the warrior societies that dominated our lands a few millennia ago? Is anger a factor of change or an element of the patriarchal universe? Philosopher and poet Chantal Maillards talks about these issues in this session. 

Women and Data: Counting Gender Inequalities

Tània Verge Mestre

Within the feminist movement various initiatives are in place to collect data, both quantitative and qualitative, to document gender inequalities and make them count.

Jeanette Winterson

Conversation with Bel Olid

On the occasion of the publication of her new book Frankissstein, the English writer Jeanette Winterson, who is considered to be one of the most original voices in the Anglo-Saxon literary scene, talks about who we are and how we love each other, but also about where we’re going. ...

The exhibition as seen by curators Gabriele Schor and Marta Segarra

The exhibition "FEMINISMS!" vindicates the fundamental role of feminist artists in the history of art, from the 70s of the last century to contemporary creators. We interview Gabriele Schor, curator of "The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970s: Works from the SAMMLUNG VERBUND Collection, Vienna." ...

Mari Luz Esteban

A Feminism in transformation

Feminist activist and lecturer in Social Anthropology, Mari Luz Esteban, speaks about the role of feminism in recent years and discusses some of the new challenges it will have to face.


Today’s feminist creators

This session brougth together some of today’s most outstanding creators committed to feminism. From the conviction that creation is a stance and an opportunity to question everything, these artists tried to find answers, and took on the risks with humour, poetry, music, live graffiti, ...

Carolin Emcke

Silence and Emancipation

The journalist and philosopher Carolin Emcke, one of the leading voices in the German intellectual and cultural scene, talks about the links between power and violence, and the need for freedom and desire.

Raise your hands, these dirty hands

Recital of works by poets from the 1970s and now

From the 1970s through to the present day, poetry and feminism have been interlaced in awakening consciousness, slapping down indifferent and conformist thought, demolishing any attempt at learned justificiation. In this poetry recital, l curated by Sònia Moll and Heura Marçal, th...

Siri Hustvedt

Gender, literatura and new narratives

On the occasion of the publication of her latest book, “Memories of the Future”, Siri Hustvedt speaks about how to generate new narratives to liberate ourselves from the western cultural cannon, which still has a marked patriarchal bias. Pitting great figures against each other, ...


Mari Luz Esteban

A defence of dialogue between different generations of feminists in order to reflect on the theory and practice of the feminism movement.

Las muertes chiquitas

Conversation between Mireia Sallarès and Marta Segarra

Following the screening of the documentary Las muertes chiquitas by Mireia Sallarès, a social and inclusive study on pleasure, violence, pain and death with the female orgasm as a thread, the artist talks with Marta Segarra, curator of "Choreographies of Gender" of "FEMINISMS!" exhibitio...

Feminist Avant-Gardes

Inaugural Debate of «Feminisms!»

In the 1970s, with unprecedented courage and creativity, a new generation of women artists drastically overhauled the languages and codes that had previously been used to represent women and femininity. This insurgent art not only liberated women from the male gaze but also extraordinarily ...

Quantum Agencies

Libby Heaney

What does it mean to intersect our everyday world with the seemingly counter-intuitive field of quantum science? And how have these entanglements been interrogated through art?

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