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Essential voices for the debate around Artificial Intelligence

Mateo Valero, Alfonso Valencia, Karina Gibert and Jordi Torres

The paths of artificial intelligence

Thanks to advances in supercomputing, the development of new algorithms, and the availability of enormous quantities of data, the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding at an exponential rate. Four experts in the field of artificial intelligence discuss the potentialities of the ...

A morning with Helga Nowotny

Adolescence: A Strange Country

Artificial Intelligence has become a powerful prediction tool. An increasing number of instruments are enabling us to see the present and possible outcomes of what awaits us as humanity.  In this talk, Helga Nowotny, a sociologist specializing in science and technology reflects on digital ...

Yuk Hui & Jorge Carrión

A revolution of ideas

In seeking to understand the transformations being brought about by artificial intelligence and how philosophy might interpret them, the writer and cultural critic Jorge Carrión will speak with the Hong Kong-born thinker, computer engineer, and one of today’s most influential philosophers of technology Yuk Hui. 

Ramon López de Mántaras

Can there be an ethical AI?

Societies around the world are drawing up ethical codes or frameworks to ensure that the development and uses of artificial intelligence are appropriate and beneficial for human beings. Ramon López de Mántaras, a pioneer of AI in Spain and Europe, explains why it is not possible ...

N. Katherine Hayles: “We need a more comprehensive view of cognition”

Katherine Hayles is one of the most relevant authors in the field of posthumanism. Her work places the focus on materiality and cognition and criticises the understanding of humans as autonomous and independent subjects. In the age of AI, her ideas lead us to a new vision of human evolution. Read ...

Mercedes Bunz and Joan Fontcuberta

A cultural revolution

Mercedes Bunz, researcher in the fields of digital culture, and the photographer Joan Fontcuberta will speak with Alex Saum about artificial intelligence and artistic creation.

Maurizio Ferraris and Marta Peirano

A social revolution

Artificial intelligence changes the ways we relate with others, human and non-human. It modifies the intimate domain and working relationships. The philosopher Maurizio Ferraris and the journalist Marta Peirano speak about AI mechanisms of social transformation and the future situations that ...

Frank Pasquale and Xavier Nueno

A cultural revolution

In this session, Frank Pasquale, an artificial intelligence law and policy expert, speaks with writer and researcher Xavier Nueno about how law and regulation intervene in the control of drones, self-driving cars, medical algorithms for treatment and diagnostic testing, and ChatGPT. The ...


Performative talk by Maria Arnal

In this performative talk Singer Maria Arnal shares the secrets of the training and creation of the work “Maria CHOIR”, an artistic and musical piece made with AI,  a synthetic reproduction of Maria Arnal’s voice that harmonizes in real time with what the public sings.

Karina Gibert: "We have to guarantee that it AI is developed ethically"

The AI ​​expert analyzes its risks and the collective responsibility in its development

Karina Gibert explains the risks of artificial intelligence on people's privacy and talks about the responsibility of experts, governments and users when interacting with artificial intelligence. Gibert is PhD in Computer Science specialising in artificial intelligence and big data, and Head ...

Francesca Bria: "We need a democratic regulation of AI"

The digital policy expert analyses the AI Act

Francesca Bria is an economist, an expert in innovation and digital policies and one of the voices involved in the legislation surrounding artificial intelligence in Europe. As part of the exhibition “AI: Artificial Intelligence”, Bria explains in this interview the keys to understanding ...