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Time in the Digital Age

Lecture by Judy Wajcman

Sociologist Judy Wajcman reflects on how digital culture has changed the concept of time while simultaneously changing us.

The Aftermath of the Aftermath (A Reflection on Time)

Soy Cámara online

We are living in historic times in which acceleration, technology, catastrophe and its resulting humanitarianism have occupied the world stage. The apocalyptical tale of the end of time is triumphing in parallel with the technological enlightenment that considers that innovation equals speed ...

Judy Wajcman

Time in the Digital Age

Sociologist Judy Wajcman reflects on how digital culture has changed the concept of time while simultaneously changing us.

Rethinking Time in the Digital Age

Carles Sora

Our experience of time is increasingly mediated by digital devices of all kinds and our everyday timescapes appear to be accelerating exponentially.