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Arthur and Corinne Cantrill. Touching the Earth

The CCCB's cinema

A great deal of the films by filmmakers Arthur and Corinne Cantrill are based on the study of landscape, relating filmic shapes with the shapes of places. Not only does it provide a close-up of the rugged harshness of the Australian landscape, the films in this session - Bouddi, Island Fuse and Ocean Point Lookout – look into the materiality of the actual image and perception, posing us with questions about the nature of cinema and its capacity to create other worlds. 

Xcèntric. Programme January - February 2020

Érik Bullot, Su Friedrich, Storm de Hirsch, Edward Owens, Amy Halpern, Masao Adachi, Igor and Gleb Aleinikov, Yevgeny Yufit, John Smith, Karpo Godina, Noémia Delgado or Juan Bufill are some of the filmmakers featured in our programme January- February 2020 of Xcèntric. 

Xcèntric. Programme January - February 2019

Jan Švankmajer, Rudy Burckhardt, Margarita Cordeiro and António Reis, Anne Charlotte Robertson, Carolee Schneemann, Stan Brakhage, Christine Noll Brinckmann, David Brooks and Arthur and Corinne Cantrill are some of the filmmakers featured in our programme January- February 2019 of Xcèntric.