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Art and time

The exhibition Art and time gives an account of the changes which have taken place in our perception and conceptions of time as a result of the gradual, irreversible acceleration of the various types of speed. It also reviews the basic elements of all reflection on time -the sky and subjectivity, its irreversible nature- as well as looking at certain anthropological themes associated with it, such as the cycles of the calendar, work and leisure.

Time passes, there is no stopping it. Man is powerless to do anything about it; at most, he feels it and, unfortunately for him, becomes aware of it. He has learned to interpret its natural signs; he has created others which allow him to measure it, conceive it, grasp it in concrete images. These are the symbols, the technical artefacts, the scientific research or artistic creations by means of which he attempts to represent it and give it form.

Curators: Daniel Soutif

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