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Freedom and Collaborative Construction

Scene + Music


ZeppelinComprimit2013 will be looking at the role of collaboration and altruism in human conducts in the form of sound creation, seen and addressed as a traditional iconic element of collaborative attitudes. The programme includes a round table and the Sound Art Laboratory on Collaborative Construction, a demonstration of live coding and a live coding concert with Shelly Knotts and Alo Allik. It also presents Aire, the collaborative work produced by the Zeppelin 2013 international open call.


Wednesday, 27 November (Hall 2)

From 10.00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00

Sound Art Laboratory on Collaborative Construction. Theory and practice session for those registered. Directors: Lina Bautista and Jordi Salvadó.

Thursday, 28 November (Hall 2)

From 10.00 to 14.00 Sound Art Laboratory on Collaborative Construction. Theory and practice session for those registered. Directors: Lina Bautista and Jordi Salvadó.

Friday, 29 November (Mirador)

18.00 Sound Art Laboratory on Collaborative Construction. Public session. Directors: Lina Bautista and Jordi Salvadó.

19.00 Talk + Live coding session: live coding and other algorithmic practices by Oscar Martín in collaboration with Miquel Parera.

20.00 Round table: collaborative conduct and the construction of knowledge. Speakers: Alícia Garcia Ruiz, Josep Maria Comajuncosas and Adolf Tobeña. Moderator: Lluís Nacenta.

21.00 Live coding concert. Shelly Knotts and Alo Allik.

22.00 Presentation of Aire, a collaboratively produced work.

This activity is part of Zeppelin

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