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Paral·lel Avenue, 1894-1939

The Pianola on the Paral•lel

With Josep Domènec

Scene + Music

In the framework of the exhibition “Paral·lel Avenue, 1894-1939”, the CCCB offers a pianola concert with Josep Domènec on alternate Saturdays and Sundays.

The pieces represent the genres performed on Paral•lel Avenue during the period covered by the exhibition: cuplet, review and sarsuela. All are written by famous composers such as Enric Clará, Enric Morera, Emilio Arrieta, Joaquim Zamacois, Rafael Martínez Valls, Antonio Seguro, J. Demon and José Padilla. Some of the best known songs are La Marieta de l’ull viu, Les Caramelles, ¡Vergonzosa!, La balladora, Nena; sarsueles such as La legió d’honor and Cançó d’amor i de guerra, and reviews such as Charivari and songs from Manuel Sugrañes’s famous shows with six-letter titles: Kiss me, Oui Oui, Eureka, etc. Visitors will also be able to operate the pianola automatically.

Saturday afternoons, from 6 to 8 p.m., and Sundays from 12 midday to 2 p.m., alternately.


This activity is part of Paral·lel Avenue, 1894-1939

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