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The israeli-palestinian conflict and the Middle East Tragedy.


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has entered a particularly tragic phase. With the memory of the Lebanese people's ordeal still fresh in our minds, Iraq is being plunged into a state of ever greater breakdown. The Middle East today is a crucified territory that concentrates the threads of a many-faceted conflict that also has protagonists marginal or external to the area.


7 March

The State of the Question
The Situation in the Middle East
By Joan Roura, writer, Assistant Head of Internacional de Televisió de Catalunya.

14 March

The Abandonment of the Palestinian People
The Responsibility of the Arab Governments, Europe and the United Nations.
By Fred Halliday, Professor at the LSE and invited lecturer at the IBEI.

21 March

The Conflict from the Inside (I)
Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel for a Just Solution?
By Amira Hass, Israeli writer and journalist for Haaretz.

28 March

The Conflict from the Inside (II)
Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel for a Just Solution?
By Moustafa Barghouthi, member of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Participants: Joan Roura, Fred Halliday, Moustafa Barghouthi

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