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Stem cells and ageing: can the process be manipulated?

Lecture by Pura Muñoz



The organism’s ageing is associated with diminished functionality in tissues and organs and a major decline in the regenerative capacity of stem cells. Hence, manipulation of stem cells favouring the balance on the side of regeneration could prevent or delay ageing. Do we know the processes and are we capable of intervening in them?

Pura Muñoz, ICREA research professor and Professor of Cellular Biology at the Pompeu Fabra University.

Presented by: Daniel Closa, CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) researcher at the Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona (Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona) and author of the educational blog Centpeus.

«Stem Cells: A Future without Diseases?» is the fourth ICREA-CCCB Debate, a regularly occurring joint endeavour which aims to inform the general public of the advances being made and challenges facing top-ranking scientists currently working in Catalonia.

Presenters: Daniel Closa

Participants: Pura Muñoz

This activity is part of Stem Cells: A Future without Diseases?, ICREA-CCCB Debates

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Pura Muñoz

Stem cells and ageing: can the process be manipulated?

The organism’s ageing is associated with diminished functionality in tissues and organs and a major decline in the regenerative capacity of stem cells. Hence, manipulation of stem cells favouring the balance on the side of regeneration could prevent or delay ageing. Do we know the processes ...

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