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1,000 m2 of desire

Space of desire

Xcèntric Archive



Using the exhibition "1,000 m² of Desire" as a mirror, this menu brings together a series of works from the Xcèntric Archive that play with the spaces designed for sexuality; often to contradict it, sometimes to reaffirm it, and others to mutilate it.

Footnotes to a house of love (Laida Lertxundi, 2007, 13‘)

Fuses (Carolee Schneeman 1967, 22’ 5’’)

All can become a rose (Linda Christanell 1992, 7‘)

Removed (Naomi Uman, 1999, 6’)

Un Chant d’amour (Jean Genet 1950, 25’)

Korridor (Dietmar Brehm, 1997, 18‘)

Je tu il elle (Chantal Akerman 1975, 82’)

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