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School in residence

Education and culture in the Raval


The CCCB’s permanent program that opens a space for experimentation and learning on how to break down the boundaries between education and culture.

The CCCB and the high complexity institute of the Raval district Miquel Tarradell, work together throughout the school year to offer 50 students of 14-15 years old a multidisciplinary program around different axis of content key to understand our contemporary world, from climate emergency to the form of the city, gender and race discrimination or the relationship between art, memory and politics. Young people move to the CCCB three days a week, get to know the institution from the inside and take part in talks, workshops, creative and thought projects with their teachers, the centre's teams and the network of cultural creators, researchers and producers associated with the CCCB. 

The project has been recognized with one of the 2021 Baldiri Reixac Connexions awards, a category with which the Carulla Foundation promotes collaboration projects between cultural facilities and educational centers that have culture and the arts as the backbone.

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What is “School in residence”?

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