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Grec 2023

Rodoreda, Verdaguer and Brossa

Three routes around Barcelona

Courses and workshops

Free with pre-booking

Libraries of Barcelona offers these routes associated with Three Ways of Entering: Rodoreda, Verdaguer, Brossa, the expanded theatre trilogy by Cabosanroque that is presented at the CCCB in the framework of the Grec Festival 2023.

Cabosanroque’s trilogy includes three immersive installations, half play and half exhibition, about key figures in Catalan literature: Mercè Rodoreda, Jacint Verdaguer and Joan Brossa.

To explore the life and work of these writers a little further, Libraries of Barcelona has organized three routes that start with a guided itinerary led by a specialist at a point in the city of Barcelona associated with the writer and end at the CCCB with a visit to the corresponding installation.


Friday, 7 July, 17:00
Joan Brossa didn’t make me
With Alexander Arilla, Joan Brossa Foundation
More information and prior registration

Friday, 14 July, 17:00
Demons (Jacint Verdaguer)
With Jordina Boix, Fundació Verdaguer
More information and prior registration

Wednesday, 19 July, 17:00
Flowers and Journeys (Mercè Rodoreda)
With Marina Porras, lecturer and writer
More information and prior registration

This activity is part of Grec 2023, Grec. Festival de Barcelona

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation

Organised by