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Xcèntric 2020

Premiere of “Octubre a Barcelona”, a film by Érik Bullot


Free with pre-booking

Premiere of Octubre a Barcelona (October in Barcelona) a film on the Catalan process based on the experience of a film research workshop, produced in October 2019 at the CCCB. With presentation by the videoconference of its author, Érik Bullot, and subsequent date with filmmaker Anna Giralt Gris. 

Octubre en Barcelona, Érik Bullot, 2020, 34 min
With the participation of: Maria Castan i de Manuel, Diego Cepeda, Jorge David Pérez, Víctor Diago, Clara Heras Aguilar, Melodía Iglesias Solá, Angelina Llongueras, Jorge Moneo Quintana, Boris Monneau, Gemma Prunés Montsant and Irina Shatilo

Editing: Lison Talagrand
Mixing: Mikaël Barre
Colour grading: Julia Mingo
Artistic collaboration: Boris Monneau

With the support of: CCCB and Bandits Mages (Bourges)




Moderators: Anna Giralt Gris

Directors: Érik Bullot

This activity is part of Xcèntric 2020

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