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Premiere at the CCCB of the documentary DeNadie by Tin Dirdamal

To close the exhibition ”Borders”



There are still many borders in the world beset by ongoing conflicts that involve the suffering and constant despair of thousands of people. One such is the border between Mexico and the USA. The seriousness of the situation generates many documentaries on the subject every year.


DeNadie, by Tin Dirdamal, Mexico, 2005, 82 min.

DeNadie takes a different approach. Tin Dirdamal draws us into María's painful journey to the border, and tells us of the family situation she has left behind and the reason for her sacrifice.

"DeNadie tore me apart. I stuck myself together again with something they sold me in the hardware store, but you can still see the scars and I know they're there to stay."

Eduardo Galeano, writer

Directors: Tin Dirdamal

This activity is part of Borders,

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