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Pre-premiere of the non-fiction short films made during the course 2023-2024

Master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making of the UAB



The organization and the students of these post-graduate university studies, a breeding ground for important filmmakers, invite you to view the non-fiction short films made during the course of the 27th edition.

Since its opening in 1998, the Master’s degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has been dedicated to exploring the possibilities of documentary cinema, always trying to stay at the forefront of its development (which, during this time, has been extraordinary), betting on a deep theoretical reflection that feeds the practical side of the course and offering students the opportunity to experience the new ways of documentary film, where very different interests converge: aesthetic, technological, communicative or reflective.

In this screening, of free access, the students of the edition that is now coming to an end will present and show in preview the four short films made during this course, before they start their festival tour.


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