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Politics in Times of Perplexity

Daniel Innerarity's Conference


Due to the publication of his last book Política para perplejos (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018), the philosopher Daniel Innerarity will give a conference on the uncertainty and disorientation that characterize the contemporary political landscape.

If required to synthesise the nature of the world we now live in, one might say we are in an age of uncertainty. Although human beings in societies that preceded ours lived with a more or less gloomy future, the stability of their basic conditions of existence, however negative they might have been, allowed them to assume that what lay ahead wouldn’t hold too many surprises for them. They might have been hungry or oppressed but they weren’t perplexed. Perplexity is the situation typifying societies in which the horizons of what is possible are so open that calculations about the future will be particularly uncertain.

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Politics in Times of Perplexity

Daniel Innerarity's Conference

Due to the publication of his last book Política para perplejos (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018), the philosopher Daniel Innerarity gave a conference on the uncertainty and disorientation that characterize the contemporary political landscape.

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