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Photobook Phenomenon

Photobook Phenomenon with family

Creat your story through images!


Become a storyteller and dare to create your story through images!

If you visit the exhibition Photobook Phenomenon ask for  the room “Estació Beta”. This area has been designed to transform the visitors into the protagonists of the exhibition. You'll find images that are magnets, colorful chalks, tape and two metal plates that will let you play with the pictures combining them according to your taste. The last purpose is to create a photostory that will shine at the last exhibition wall.

This activity is addressed to families, groups of friends, individual visitors and random visitors’ groups who are willing to cooperate and work along with others visitors. From the youngest to the oldest; this activity is open to everyone who has something to say!

Do not miss it!



This activity is part of Photobook Phenomenon

Upcoming activities at the CCCB

Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation