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Off programme

Manos arriba, esto es un contrato (Hands up, this is a contract)



The documentary Manos arriba, esto es un contrato by Javier Gascón shows the many cases of abuse by banks taking place all over the country. Gascón charts the pilgrimage of José Luís Burgos, confined to a wheelchair at the age of 49, who then discovered that the insurance policy his bank had obliged him to take out did not cover the situation. 

6.30 p.m. Screening: Manos arriba, esto es un contrato, Javier Gascón, 90’ 

8.00 p.m. Debate: Banking ethics under review. With the participation of Javier Gascón, director of the documentary; Patricia Suarez, President of ASUAPEDEFIN (, and José Maria Fernández Seijo, Magistrate at Mercantile Court3 in Barcelona.

This activity is part of Fora de Programa 2013, OFF-PROGRAM

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