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NOW 2008


Meetings in the Present Continuous

Courses and workshops + Festivals





British theatre company Stan's Cafe presents its performance installation Of All the People in All the World..., a visual statistical construction that uses rice to represent human beings: each grain is a person. Using 2000 kg of rice, the actors weigh out and pile up this staple to quantify a range of information on the seven strands of NOW: how many people in Barcelona use solar energy? How many voluntary workers are there in Spain? How many doctors are there? And what about soldiers? By presenting and comparing statistics, they tell stories that range from moving to shocking to funny, stimulating interactive reflection with the public throughout the four days.

This year also sees the first NOW Documentary MiniFest, a selection of audiovisual works that address the seven NOW themes from new viewpoints. At a time when the documentary genre has really taken off, the MiniFest takes an across-the-board look, highlighting the interconnection between various areas of human thought and knowledge. Its selection of documentaries takes a clear-sighted look at highly topical themes and offers a precise diagnosis of the situation, proposing solutions and ways round it. The documentaries will be presented by an expert in the field and followed by a debate with the public.

This activity is part of NOW. November 2008, NOW 2008

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Espai B

An Artistic Space for Encounters and Experimentation

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