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NOW 2008

MiniFest of NOW Documentaries


The first edition of the MiniFest of documentaries, a selection of audiovisual works dealing with the seven NOW themes from new angles and perspectives.

With the recent explosion of the documentary genre, the MiniFest proposes a crosswise thematic approach, highlighting interconnections between different schools of thought and human knowledge. The selection of documentaries presented deals with the very latest themes in a lucid way and does an accurate analysis of the situation while, at the same time, offering openings and solutions.

In most cases, the works have not previously been shown in Barcelona. Those that have are ones that continue to be particularly current and capable of generating debate.
In order to explore this capacity for generating debate, the documentaries are accompanied by a presentation given by an expert on the themes in question, followed by a public debate.

VOSC. Original language version with subtitles in Catalan
VOSE. Original language version with subtitles in Spanish
VOS (English). Original language version with subtitles in English
VE. Version dubbed in Spanish

This activity is part of NOW. November 2008, NOW 2008

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